The Territory

Cluviae, the Ancient Roman Municipality

Walking through the olive groves of Piano Laroma, you may come across the remains of the Roman walls, a glimpse of opus reticulatum lining the road. These remnants tell the story of the ancient Roman Municipality of Cluviae, inhabited by the Carecini.

L'antica città

L'affascinante Storia di Cluviae

At this moment, appreciating the remains of Cluviae from a tourist perspective is challenging. The Roman walls are barely visible, but a detailed description is available on

The city has been identified in the area called Piano Laroma, near Casoli, in the province of Chieti, previously known by the erroneous ancient name of Pagus Urbanus, where a significant urban and monumental complex has been identified, located approximately 15 km southwest of Anxanum and an equal distance north of Junanum.

The identification has allowed determining the area occupied by the Carecini population, which was distributed in the territory located north of the middle Sangro valley (and not south as previously believed) in the two municipal entities of Cluviae and Ivanum.

Cluviae sorgeva su una lingua di terra lunga e stretta, delimitata su tre lati dai ripidi declivi delle vallate del fiume Aventino e dei suoi affluenti Laio e Avello. È noto, quasi al completo, il tracciato delle mura urbane, esteso per circa 1.560m, delle quali rimangono in vista alcuni tratti con rivestimento in opera incerta e reticolata, e in cui sono ancora riconoscibili i resti di alcune porte.

Il suo monumento più cospicuo è il teatro, in opera reticolata, con la fronte della cavea lunga oltre 36 m e con un edificio scenico a pianta rettangolare, […] situato ai margini della città[…]. Altri edifici individuati sono un complesso termale retrostante il teatro ed una casa costruita in opera mista, con pavimenti a mosaico policromo, situata fuori il perimetro urbano.”

A. La Regina, in Rend. Lincei, s. VIII, vol. XXII, 1967, pp. 81-99. 

ramo di ulivo - Olivicola Casolana
Bottiglia DOP Cluviae antirabocco

La nostra linea di Olio EVO

The evocation of this ancient civilization, combined with the unique geographical location between mountain and sea of the Piano Laroma plateau, forms the roots upon which rest the traditions and centuries-old olive culture of its inhabitants.

This deep connection to history inspired us to dedicate a line of our products to Cluviae: a tribute to its legacy and the ancient culture that still permeates the soil we cultivate today.

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